01435 817201
Making music for over one hundred years. Reg Charity no. 273068

Would you like to learn to play a brass instrument…for free?
Heathfield Silver Band is a lively local brass band that has been in existence since the 1880s. We are currently looking for new members. All ages are welcome and if you are an experienced player, have had a break from playing or are an absolute beginner, we’d love to hear from you.
With cuts to the funding of music education in schools, many children and adults have not had the opportunity to play with others and feel the joy and satisfaction that that can bring. We are offering the opportunity for local people to either join the main band or join our training band if you need lessons or would like to brush up on your skills. We can provide free instrument hire and free tuition. We play many styles of music, from military marches to pop, TV and film music, as well as Christmas tunes later in the year. We have our own rehearsal room in Alexandra Road, Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 8EA.
Training band sessions are from 6.45-7.15pm, main band rehearsals are from 7.30-9.30pm, every Tuesday.
If you are interested in coming along to see how you get on, email secretary@heathfieldsilverband.com
All About Heathfield Silver Band
The band was formed in Heathfield around 1888.
For a short period of 2-3 years around the turn of the century, the band was an important part of the Heathfield detachment of the 2nd Royal Sussex Volunteer Corp. Duties included annual camp at Lydd, where besides playing reveille and for parades they entertained the troops. But by 1901 this military commitment became difficult and he band withdrew and became a civilian band again.
The success of the band in the early 1920’s attracted a wider interest and a Committee of local businessmen were formed which put the band on a more organised footing. It is from 1928 that the band’s written records date. The early minutes and accounts books make extremely interesting reading.
In 1977 the band was granted Charitable Status (no. 273068) with the aim of actively promoting and teaching brass band instruments/music for the community.
In modern days, the band has kept up with the changing tastes of music whilst still performing popular band classics to those that love them. The band performs at many engagements each year to raise the funds needed to enable the band to continue its commitment to offer tuition to anyone wishing to learn, regardless of means or ability. The band is a very friendly and relaxed band with members between the ages of eight and their eighties!
Get in Touch
The Bandroom, Alexandra Rd, Heathfield TN21 8EA, UK
01435 817201